Past pupils Interview – Daniel Robinson, Lucy Menteath and Catherine Johnston (2009)

Jenni (Principal The King’s School): What have you done since school and what are you doing now?

Lucy: My first year out of matric I did a year of discipleship training at the Church and then in 2005 I went to Wits school of Education and studied a Bachelor of Education which I completed last year. I am now a Grade 4 teacher at the school.

Dan: I also did a year of discipleship training at the church, and in 2005 I studied a BSc in Maths and Psychology and carried on with my honours in Maths, and this year I’m starting at Rand Merchant Bank.

Cath: After Matric I did completed my Bachelor of Education & an Honours at RAU. I then taught at The King’s school for a year, after which I lived in England for a year whilst completing a Masters at Cambridge University. Over the last two years, I have been back teaching at The King’s school and studying part-time for a Masters degree in Educational Psychology through UJ. A requirement for this course is to complete an internship, and so this year I am excited about being an intern Educational Psychologist at The King’s School.

Jenni: Catherine, what difference are you making in your world?

Cath: My school days inspired me to make a difference wherever I find myself. This has included community service involvement during my university days and for the last 4 years, I have been involved in the Adopt-A-Block programme. This is a ministry of New Creation Church, started by one of our past pupils, my brother James. Every Saturday morning Adopt-a-Block volunteers visit residents in Windsor East where we build relationships and serve in practical ways. It has been exciting to see the kingdom of God extended in our neighbourhood. We are grateful that The King School family has partnered with us, through the subject of Life Orientation & the Christmas party.

My career choice gives me opportunity to assist learners to maximize their potential – this has included counselling with previously disadvantaged learners who attend Kingsway school. I have been humbled to see the joy and the resilience of these learners, some of whom join our school at Grade 8 level.

As an intern psychologist at King School, I look forward to interacting with learners to assist them in preparing for life through assessment, therapy, learning support, an understanding of study skills and career guidance. It’s wonderful to do this work in an environment where we all – staff & learners – are being shaped in Christlikeness & can form a Godly worldview.

Jenni: Lucy, after being a learner here, why did you choose to become a teacher and why did you choose to come back to the King’s School?

Lucy: I feel that teaching is a gift that God has given me, and I need to be faithful to that. I am passionate about education, not only teaching reading and spelling, but imparting Godly values to the learners. As wonderful as our facilities are, Christian education is not in the bricks and buildings, Christian education is in the hearts of teachers and parents. I know here I have the privilege of sharing my faith freely. Because of the investment given to me, I would now like to sow back into the lives of learners , in an environment where the values that I carry in my heart are endorsed.

Jenni: Daniel, what difference are you making in the lives of young people?

Dan: I’ve been involved in pastoring youth and young adults for the last 4 years in this church, New Creation Family Church. I know that I grew as a result of others effort and input into my life and the time that they spent mentoring and imparting the life of Chrsit & the character of Christ to me; and I see the value of leading by discipling. I see the value in imparting to future generations in a practical, relevant way.

Jenni: What memories do you have from your time at The King’s school?

Lucy: I was new in Grade 11, I remember feeling so welcomed by my peers and the teachers. The teachers really went out of their way to give us love, support and care.

Cath: I remember the family atmosphere at school – the older learners looking out for the younger ones, and that I could go and visit my siblings at break.

Dan: I remember sporting trips, like athletics trips to Durban and the overseas cricket trip.

Cath: School camps were always great fun and I have touching memories visiting speakers at assembly, telling of God’s faithfulness in their lives….I saw that Christianity is real.

Lucy: Spring day and Winter sports festival – just the sense of community and the older ones are playing sport, and the younger ones are doing the jumping castle – the sense of being a family.

Dan: I remember meeting Lucy, my fiancée, the first day she walked into school…we started to get to know each other when we directed the Judah house play together.

Lucy: I know that Dan and I have both appreciated that the values that we were taught at home, school & in the church about dating were the same; and have helped to prepare us for marriage.

Jenni: Yes, the input the learners receive from New Creation Family Church help prepare learners for life, and things like marriage.

Jenni: What life lessons have you gleaned while at The King’s school?

Dan: I learnt how to lead and learnt practically that leadership is service.

Lucy: This servant-heart was modelled to us by the principals in that it wasn’t just talked about, but they set the example.

Cath: Yes, I remember Mr Selby picking up every piece of litter, and now I feel compelled to pick up litter too wherever I am!

Lucy: Stewardship – looking after the resources that God has given us.

Cath: It has been said that “Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten” and although I may not remember all of the academics from school, I have not forgotten the values that The King’s School instilled in me. I have not forgotten the love, words of encouragement, prayers and the values of excellence, integrity, stickablity (Mr Selby’s favourite work) and a solid work ethic.

Jenni: You went to Cambridge – do you feel that this school prepared you adequately to study internationally?

Cath: Most definitely – amongst my Cambridge classmates from many different countries, I was well-equipped to hold my own. My Matric classmates of the year 2000 have also done well – amongst whom there is now a doctor, a vet, an architect, a lawyer, some entrepreneurs and a speech therapy PhD.

Lucy: I learnt social skills as we were given the opportunity to interact with guys and girls on a healthy level, which has stood me in good stead as I have gone into varsity life.

Dan: From being involved in the school, and the discipleship from the teachers and the pastoral input during assemblies, I had a strong conviction that I should make my relationship with Christ something personal, and not just something that we talked about, but something real.

Jenni: In a nutshell, what advice would you give to families of The King’s School?

Dan: Encourage your children to take every opportunity that is offered to them – if it is a sport that they haven’t tried before; or a cultural activity – parents, I know that you are busy, but please allow your children to try these activities.

Lucy: Yes, allow your child to embrace every opportunity – from personal experience, I was presented with the opportunity to be involved in the worship team and this developed my musical talent, and of course, Dan was also in this worship team…! This involvement in school life will help your children to develop their God given potential in all areas of their lives.

Cath: Today some of you have begun a 12 or 15 year journey with this School family – for others much fewer years. Whatever it is for you…we are glad that you are here. The history of the school has shown that God adds each person with gifts and abilities to make their unique contribution. We need parents like you to partner with us, support us, pray for and be committed to the Kings School – endorse it’s values- and your children need you. Let the years ahead reflect that The King’s school family has grown in the likeness of Jesus because you and I have been here.