Christian Culture
Vibrant Faith-Based Culture
The school is a ministry of New Creation Family Church (NCFC) and the pastors are involved in weekly assemblies, mentorship of our learners and staff training. Our CEO is an Elder of NCFC. Services are held in the auditorium every Sunday at 9am or can be watched online.
We are part of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and we regularly host and attend workshops presented by them on topics such as Biblical Integration in the Curriculum; developing a Christian worldview; Character Development and Discipline from a Christian perspective etc.
Each year we prayerfully choose a biblical theme that we focus on for the year and from this termly and weekly scripture verses and related Bible stories are chosen. During our weekly assemblies a short biblically based message is given to the learners (Pastors from NCFC are also involved in this).
We teach the National Curriculum (CAPS) and follow IEB academic expectations but teach the curriculum from a biblical worldview. We integrate our lessons biblically where this is appropriate. Our goal is to partner with Christian parents so that the values taught at home are supported at school.
Bible Education is taught formally in timetabled Bible Education lessons across the school and informally in Class Devotions and prayers at the beginning of each school day. It is a wonderful opportunity for our teachers and learners to pray together for any prayer needs. Phase Prayer Days are also arranged where the learners and teachers pray together.
In the primary school we follow the ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) Bible Curriculum and in the high school yearly themes are chosen. This aims to provide a solid biblical foundation for our learners. As we are an academic institution, we do not try to replace the church but rather partner with each family in their child’s spiritual formation both at home and through their church.
We place emphasis on character development in a loving family environment. At the end of each year, every single learner in the school is honoured for godly characteristics at our annual awards evenings. This may be a fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control) or a godly character attribute. Our top Grade 12 award is for “Christian Character” and each year the Grade 12 group nominate two of their peers in recognition of being an example in godly leadership and noble character.
Khula is a isiZulu word meaning “to grow and develop” and twice a term a Grade 11 learner spends 20 minutes with a lower grade class to give input around a Christian topic. The Khula topics are linked to our Spiritual theme for the year. The outline for these lessons are developed by the Steering Team members (what we call our Prefects) in the Portfolio of “Devotions”, under the oversight of a Senior Staff member, to ensure that age-appropriate and sound biblical content is presented. This is also an opportunity for leadership development for our Grade 11 and 12 learners
All staff are expected to be members of their local church and to subscribe to our statement of faith. Staff have regular Staff Devotions where biblical input is given. New staff attend orientation sessions and have regular meetings with a senior staff member in which mentorship is provided in terms of our ethos and Christian values, amongst other academic topics. Regular Staff Training opportunities are provided for all staff at which our Senior Staff share on similar topics and also have input from the Pastors at New Creation Family Church.
We tend to have very low staff turnover with many of our staff having worked at the school for more than 10 or in some cases 20 years, which means there is continuity of our ethos. We also have a number of our staff who are past pupils. For example, the Senior Pastor of NCFC was himself a past pupil of the school more than 20 years ago and our current CEO first sent his children to our school more than 15 years ago, before joining the school’s teaching staff.