Pre-Primary School
Visitor’s Day Every Wednesday by appointment
Enquire about 3 day or 4 day per week options for Pre-Primary Grades 000 and Grade 00
”Train your child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
Would you like to give your child the opportunity to:
- experience God's love, faithfulness and goodness, and so come to love God as Father;
- meet the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and Saviour without pressure;
- learn that he/she is a unique, special creation, and that it is fun to be at school;
- see that the same God his/her family talks about, is at the centre of his/her school life too;
- learn to enjoy listening to what others have to say, develop patience in waiting in turn, stand in line, learn to control his/her emotions, and to share;
- see and marvel at the beauty of the world, through the Bible story of Creation, and through science and natural experiments;
- learn to question, and to find answers?
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Junior Group (3-4 year olds)
- Caring and affirming environment
- Focus on socialisation skills
- Sensory Development – sand, water play and messy play
- Introduction to art skills, techniques and activities
- Perceptual programme
- Gross-motor programme, ball skills and swimming
- Music, singing and baking activities
Middle Group (4-5 year olds)
- Foundation phonics, numeracy programme including 6 bricks
- Advanced perceptual programme
- Exciting art activities, exploring techniques textures and art mediums
- Gross-motor programme, ball skills and swimming
- Music, singing and baking activities
- Introduction to basic computer skills and games
Grade R (5-6 year olds)
- Mathematical concepts and number knowledge including 6 bricks
- Phonics programme based on Letterland
- School readiness evaluation, eye and hearing screening
- Preparation for formal school worksheets and files
- Academic computer games and introduction to basic computer skills
- Introduction to conversational Afrikaans & isiZulu
- Science experiments and baking activities
- Gross motor programme, music
- Outreaches in the community
- Neuronet - A research-based learning readiness program designed to help children develop core academic skills and become independent learners.
It provides structured, sequential exercises for perceptual-motor development which lays the foundation for automating basic academic skills; e.g., handwriting, reading decoding, and math-fact retrieval. Individualized NeuroNet programs can be used to help struggling learners who have not automated basic reading, writing and math skills during early childhood. NeuroNet Learning - Learning Through Movement
We Offer:
- a Bible-based curriculum in line with the CAPS curriculum
- qualified Christian teachers
- a language rich environment
We focus on the development of character and children are encouraged to:
- share
- be kind in word and deed
- not bully
- forgive one another
- resolve conflict
Some Annual Highlights
- Outings & innings relevant to themes
- Grannies' and Grandpas' Tea Party
- A Fun Day per term
- Story Hour
- Outreaches
- Mini-athletics
- Honouring Evening